Dog Daycare and Boarding Space Planner

Dog Daycare and Boarding Space Planner


How big should my dog boarding & daycare building be ?

There is no one right answer to this question. You have to start with "what services do I want to offer" Boarding ? Daycare ? Both Indoor & Outdoor Daycare ? With water features or a pool ? Grooming ? Training ? Cat Boarding ? Veterinarian services ?

Then, you have to balance what you want to do, with what your Capital Budget allows you to do. Think of your land costs + building costs + Equipment / build-out costs + start-up costs… adds up fast.

Most people under estimate the size of space needed for what they want to do.

This tool allows you to input interior room sizes, such as lobby, different sizes & quantities of kennels, the daycare rooms, utility room, rest rooms. For the exterior, you will input play yard sizes, parking, sidewalks, etc.

This will help you think through what space is realistically needed for the building and exterior. That will save you a lot of time and money by getting your search for land or a building right up front.

Make sure that you know what you can afford as a Total Capital budget, and build a Financial Plan with that in mind.

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This will save you a lot of time and money by getting your search for land or a building right up front.

Space Planner images.jpg

Your Interior… put in the desired # of and size of rooms for the lobby, daycare, boarding, utility room, rest rooms, offices, utility room, storage, etc

Your Exrterior….you put in the number and size of play yards, parking, sidewalks, outdoor kennel patios, garbage containers, etc.

The program adds construction space for walls, HVAC, etc and provides a summary to use to cost out the facility, and provide direction for your site search and designers.